Penelope came into the world on a brisk mid-November morning in 2023, as one of a pair of twins. Tragically, her twin did not survive, and their mother rejected them both. Penelope was quickly taken indoors, cleaned, and nestled into a dog bed warmed by a heating pad. Her mother's milk was drawn to provide Penelope with the vital colostrum rich in antibodies. Although Penelope showed no interest in standing, her owners focused on her nutrition rather than urging her to stand. After a few days, it became clear that something was amiss, trying to encourage her to stand, they fashioned a sling to support her in a sternal position. Her owner cherished her deeply, yet she realized that she couldn't provide the care she needed. She searched for sanctuaries and was directed to us.
They made the journey from North Mississippi to North Carolina, to what would become Penelope's permanent home.
Upon Penelope's arrival at Bella View Farm, she underwent an evaluation at UGA. The prognosis revealed a deformity in the spinal region of her neck, hindering her ability to use her legs effectively. Surgery is not an option for this condition. However, she remains healthy and pain-free. Unaware of her differences, Penelope continues to embrace life as it comes.
Penelope's birthday is October 27, 2023