Fiona's Story
Fiona, a small Katahdin lamb, was the sole survivor of a trio born after a prolonged and challenging delivery. The first baby boy was stillborn, and the second was irretrievably lodged in the birth canal. Fiona emerged over her brother, against all odds for survival. Her amniotic fluid was abnormally yellow instead of clear, indicating her prolonged time in the birth canal. Tragically, the mother ewe died three hours post-birth, having just managed to nurse Fiona with colostrum. Thus, Fiona lost her entire family before she could even know them. Despite issues with her hind legs, Fiona's determination and strong will shine through. She underwent evaluation at UT but received no definitive diagnosis. We administered physical therapy multiple times daily. Initially, her balance was impaired, and she struggled to stabilize herself. Over time, her mobility worsened, and she began knuckling, a symptom of spinal problems, likely a congenital deformity from her traumatic birth.
Nevertheless, Fiona is healthy, pain-free, and well-supported with a custom wheelchair, sling, and bed. She relishes her days alongside her fellow disabled siblings, content with her meals and company.
Fiona's birthday is December 4, 2021