Two Socks
Two Socks found himself in a dire situation, urgently needing rescue. He had been bound to a trailer hitch without shelter, leading to severe rain rot that caused his skin to become infected, bleed, and peel off his back in sheets. He was extremely emaciated, lacking access to pasture or regular feedings. Additionally, he had suffered a dislocated knee that had healed incorrectly, resulting in a large, calcified joint. The agony he must have endured is beyond comprehension. His discovery and rescue came about after his owners were apprehended during a drug bust. Faced with numerous adversities and a compromised immune system, his recovery posed a significant risk to his life. Despite enduring such abuse, neglect, and mistreatment, he retained the will to live and to love. It seemed he sensed that better days lay ahead. His determination became our mission. The journey to his recovery was lengthy. He received regular, gentle cleanings to manage the rain rot bacteria, along with antibiotics for healing. A gradual, consistent re-feeding schedule helped him regain weight. X-rays revealed his knee had suffered an old dislocation that had calcified abnormally. The extent of what he went through for this to occur will always remain a mystery. After a year-long rehabilitation, he's now a joyful horse. Scars on his back narrate his past suffering, and he requires regular medicated baths to prevent any recurrence. He enjoys the comfort of his own spacious stall for rest. Due to his knee condition, which will never fully recover, his weight is kept slightly lower, but he manages to move around adequately. Our farrier exercises great care and patience during trimmings, accommodating his leg's restricted mobility. We affectionately call him "Socks," and he wears a warm blanket during the harsh winter days. Having lost several teeth, he is fed soaked mashes.
Socks' birthday is September 10, 1994